As I was repairing the stone wall on our eastern sugarbush bounds (pic: from today's morning sunrise), I snapped some pics and sketched up a rough “easy” fix-up for the sugarhouse this summer (to do after planting season at the farm). The idea is we’ll build a treehouse-teahouse deck above the existing sugarhouse structure and put a canopy over that space as well... then we’ll grill burgers on the weekends / busy weeks for folks in the #HungerRavines all summer and fall long at the sugarhouse...

Maybe we’ll do tacos too... the thought is to make some more fun spaces for folks to come hang for awhile when grabbing some CSA pickups here or when stopping by for a recreational wellness consult with me.

We’ll start-up after June 15th when the Governor has marked the date for the resumption of all non-socially distanced practices to resume. We’re not gonna do anything to risk our family or our Collective members’ health... but we are definitely preparing for better days ahead!

The idea is to restore this space for our gatherings at the fire pit, which is currently on the other side of the sugarhouse from where the new patio fire pit space will be moved to, maybe get our pizza oven fired up there too, as well as some tunes bumped up on a new set of PA speakers off the North deck studio.. and we’ll throw some yard games down for friends and fam to unwind with us after so much damn lock down!!! and of course we’ll have infused H2Ohm and other carbonated bevies as we do... but now we’ll be keeping locally sourced free range beef burgers (for our carnivore friends) and portobello mushroom and plant-based burgers (for our veggie/vegan friends) on the grill and as part of our expanding hospitality experiences for our growing homestead.

But... we already host a functioning CSA pickup for a few of our Collective member farms currently and we will be adding some more this year as well-(veggies, apples/fruits, maple sugar/syrup, possibly some dairy CSA from our friends down the road, and a lot more still for sure)... there is plenty of overflow off-street parking up here to have some serious fun in this space. Lots of work ahead to get this rolling, but totally feeling the feels right now and looking forward to many more good times in this space to come!!! 🙌🏾
And we replaced the balance beam with a new stick for the season...

As well as found a very cool piece of quartz fusion...

Be well and take care of each other, MHC.
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"Spring is here again
Reproductive glands...
...Tender age in bloom"
-Kurt Cobain